What is Windows Kiosk Mode?

42Gears Mobility Systems
2 min readMar 30, 2021
Windows Kiosk Mode

Windows Kiosk Mode is a strategy many businesses employ to turn standard Windows computers and tablets into locked-down, special-purpose machines. By locking down these Windows devices, admins can ensure that users don’t misuse them. This is because Windows Kiosk Mode restricts access to only the apps you approve. Even if users don’t intend to misuse devices, it can easily happen if devices have no supervision. With kiosk lockdown, that kind of misuse is no longer possible.

For instance, say that a library would like to offer visitors kiosks to renew books and check for availability, but would not want those visitors to use the kiosks for anything else, including browsing the internet. It would be easy to make this happen using Windows Kiosk Mode. Admins could even restrict the Windows interface to show only the two apps that visitors needed to search for books and renew them. This way, it wouldn’t be possible for library visitors to get distracted on the job with Windows’ library of games or social media apps.

Benefits of Windows Kiosk Mode

  1. Boost Employee Efficiency

By stripping the Windows device interface down to the only apps workers need, worker focus improves and productivity grows.

2. Spend Less on Device Maintenance

Because Windows Kiosk Mode restricts how device users interact with apps, it’s not possible for users to derail the way devices work. This means that potential time-wasting errors, like deleting important apps, simply aren’t possible.

3. Reduce the Risk of Security Compromises

By putting a kiosk lockdown in place, it’s much less likely that users will find ways to install malicious software that compromises corporate security.

You can safely set up a secure Windows Kiosk Mode environment on your tablets and computers using Windows Kiosk software from 42Gears. It’s time to recognize the key role Windows devices play in making your business a success, and secure them accordingly. 42Gears can make it happen.



42Gears Mobility Systems

SureMDM is a comprehensive mobility management solution that enables companies to secure, monitor, and manage all kinds of company- or employee-owned devices.