Benefits of using Windows Kiosk Mode
If you have ever had to use a Windows device, you know plenty can go wrong. From the infamous “Blue Screen of Death” to unannounced updates that take your device offline for hours, Windows has plenty of challenges to navigate.
Now imagine this is happening on not just one device, but on dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of devices at once. Even the most well-seasoned Windows expert couldn’t be blamed for panicking at this hypothetical. Unfortunately, for many businesses worldwide, this situation is real.
This is where Windows Kiosk Mode comes in.
What is Windows Kiosk Mode?
Put simply, Windows Kiosk Mode turns a Windows device into a kiosk. This means the device only does one pre-approved thing, or several pre-approved things, and locks the rest of the Windows experience away.
You can activate kiosk mode in one of several ways. Some of these ways come pre-built into Windows, while others require additional software. Depending on the approach you take, you can either lock everything down to a single app or keep several apps available.
Wait a minute, you might ask. How would locking a device down help me when dealing with things like the Blue Screen of Death? It’s a good question; in order to reach an answer, it’s better to start by considering kiosk mode disables, rather than what it enables. Let’s take a look:
What Does Kiosk Mode Disable?
- No games or social media (unless you need them) — Whether employees use Windows devices in the office, or customers use Windows devices in a store, distractions aren’t good. Since you can approve or deny any particular application when activating kiosk mode, you can block all games, social media, and other off-topic apps.
- No tampering with device settings — Many young or less considerate users will mess up device settings as a joke. It’s a challenge to see how many settings the business has locked down — and the way to “win” is to change every setting possible.
- No over-the-top data consumption — If users find a way to consume huge amounts of data on a business-owned Windows device- through downloading apps, videos, or anything else — they pass the cost onto the business. By keeping Windows devices locked to only one or several pre-established apps, you can make sure those apps do not permit excessive data consumption.
Okay, you might say. I see I can prevent some problems with Windows Kiosk Mode, but I won’t be able to pitch this to executives. How would implementing this impact my bottom line? To answer that question, let’s move on now to explore the benefits of Windows Kiosk Mode.
What are the Benefits of Kiosk Mode?
If you’re in the position of convincing your business that you need to implement Windows Kiosk Mode, you need arguments that speak to how it will help you save time, money, or both. Thankfully, there’s a handful of decisive arguments you can invoke to make a strong case.
Here are some of the most important benefits tied to Windows Kiosk Mode:
- Save time in several major ways:
- Because users cannot harm device functionality, computers are less likely to malfunction. This means less troubleshooting needs to occur, freeing IT admins to focus on more important tasks.
- Without distractions, employees and customers will be more focused on a kiosk’s intended use. This can substantially improve crowd flow and employee productivity.
- If Windows Kiosk Mode isn’t in place, admins have to create and reinforce strict rules for responsible device use. Implementing Kiosk Mode sidesteps the issue by making most kinds of irresponsible device use impossible.
- If you use a mobile device management solution on your Windows devices, you can lock them all down remotely, and control them remotely in the event troubleshooting is needed, saving a huge amount of time.
2. Save money in the short-term and long-term:
- As devices are less likely to malfunction for the reasons mentioned above, you don’t need to pay technicians to travel to fix kiosks as frequently (if at all).
- Kiosk mode discourages excessive data use (provided approved apps do not consume excessive data) This cuts down on data costs, or frees up bandwidth if using Wi-Fi networks.
- Customers value professionalism and will be more likely to return to a store if that store’s devices work well and appear safe.
If you are interested in implementing Windows Kiosk Mode for your business, it’s not hard to start. You might also consider third-party lockdown solutions for additional benefits and customization options.